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Re: Paid performance-tor option?

> As per privacyinternational.org (link below), Germany, once a top privacy
> rights bastion country, is deceiving progressively.

Top privacy rights bastion country?! ... Yes?!, "once" when?

On the other hand, and focusing on an other topic slightly, though on the
"bastion" theme still: Swiss banks' secrecy has been zeroed TRULY--the only
concealing effective today is for Swiss citizen [me for example] WITHIN the
national territory. (And to maintain that last thing, they--the Swiss as the
captain of the Titanic--are also going to vote too ... soon. 30 seconds of
silence/pray please.)

Back to Internet privacy, France should be the worst [in the strict sense] in
Europe ... I am correct?

/Roy Lanek
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   keluar mulut harimau, masuk mulut
SSSSS . s l a c k w a r e  SSSSSS   buaya--out from the tiger's mouth,
SSSSS +------------ linux  SSSSSS   into the crocodile's mouth