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Re: My tor client does not work anymore

Peter Palfrader <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:


>> to make client and server indipendant.
> That doesn't detail any steps.  Are you running 2 Tors?  If yes, how do
> you start them?


- the  client starts  using the  script coming  from the  debian package
  (/etc/init.d/tor start)

- the  server  runs  using  a  different  user and  it  does  not  start
  automatically after the boot but I need to start it "by hand" using su
  - torserver and /usr/bin/tor -f torrc

>> > Not very useful.  Anything non-standard in the torrc?
>> Don't  think so:  do  I need  to post  here  the two  torrc (client  and
>> server)? 
> Sure, that would help.  Please remove all the comments from it first to
> trim down on useless stuff.  [egrep -v '^(#|$)' torrc]

torrc for client

root@xxx:~# egrep -v '^(#|$)' /etc/tor/torrc
SocksPort 9050 # what port to open for local application connections
SocksBindAddress # accept connections only from localhost
SocksPolicy accept
SocksPolicy reject *
AllowUnverifiedNodes middle,rendezvous
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor
Nickname CyberTorValley
Address cybervalley.homelinux.org
ContactInfo 1024D/A05672B5 Leandro Noferini <lnoferin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

torrc for server

root@xxx:~# egrep -v '^(#|$)' /home/torserver/torrc
SocksPort 0 # what port to open for local application connections
SocksBindAddress # accept connections only from localhost
SocksPolicy reject *
AllowUnverifiedNodes middle,rendezvous
Log notice file /home/torserver/log/notices.log
Log debug stderr
RunAsDaemon 1
DataDirectory /home/torserver/data
Nickname CyberTorValley
Address cybervalley.homelinux.org
ContactInfo 1024D/A05672B5 Leandro Noferini <lnoferin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
ORPort 9001
DirPort 9030 # what port to advertise for directory connections
BandwidthRate 20 KB
BandwidthBurst 25 KB
MaxAdvertisedBandwidth 20 KB
PIDFile /var/run/tor/tor-server.pid
ExitPolicy reject *:* # middleman only -- no exits allowed

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