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Re: Tor and Privoxy on Mac OS X 10.4.11

On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 08:35:01AM -0600, nil.bitbucket@xxxxxxxxx wrote 1.5K bytes in 39 lines about:

It sounds like what you really want is to install the OSX tor package
for experts and then install vidalia afterwards.  One difference between
the Tor package for experts and the vidalia bundle is how Tor and
Privoxy are handled at the system level.  The tor package for experts
assumes you want Tor and Privoxy to start at system boot and be
available for all users.  The Vidalia package assumes you want to start
Tor via Vidalia.  The latter leaves privoxy to start with the system.

Someday, we'll have Vidalia controlling privoxy or polipo and Tor from
the gui.  
