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[Kraut] Re: tor-proxy.net

Benjamin S. schrieb:
> I don't know if anonymouse is logging and if so, under which
> circumstances they give those logs. I do log, because I'm sitting in
> Germany where I'm forced to do so by the data retention law.

to make a long story short: I'm on Bundesnetzagentur's radar since at
least one year by police's request regarding obligation for data
retention "ยง113a TKG Vorratsdatenspeicherung". In June 2009 there has
been some correspondence in writing between the Bundesnetzagentur and my
lawyer. In the end they no longer threatened me with a fine for
violating German data retention law. Thus my exit node still neither
collects any data nor do I store any (already not existing) logs for six

> Even I'm law-student, so I know a little bit 'bout when I have to give
> away the logs and when not. (you can read about this here[1])

Germany situation is such that you have to hand over your logs on
authority's request. There's no choice to retain them.


* the German Bundesnetzagentur is similar to the Ofcom in the UK.
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