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Re: tor exit-node abused, takedown by ISP,
Andrew Lewman schrieb:
> There is a dmca template you can use. The dmca takedowns are simply
> requests and hold little legal weight. Use the template at
> https://www.torproject.org/eff/tor-dmca-response.html.en for your
> response. Think of the dmca notice as "we think your IP address did
> something bad".
> Good luck.
thank you. The Problem is not so much the dmca notice itself, but that
my ISP asks me to deal with the original sender, otherwise they will
place a judical complaint on me, plus they charge me quite a lot of
money (around 300$ so far). So I have to convince them that I dealt with
the subject but in the same time not getting deeper into trouble because
some of my statements may contain acknowledgements of me beeing guilty
in judicial sense.
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