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Re: Incognito Live CD using Polipo

On Tuesday 09 October 2007, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> > It's fairly easy to convert the adblock plus 'easylist' into a polipo
> > forbidden file.
> Do you have a script you'd be willing to share?  I'd be glad to link
> to it from the Polipo page.

If phobos doesn't have a script I'll most likely write one. The problem would 
be that the 'easylist' also includes a whitelist at the end, I assume that 
all patterns are scanned from start to end and if something is blacklisted 
AND whitelisted, it is allowed. AFAIK Polipo only provides a blacklist.

Pat Double, pat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Ye must be born again." - John 3:7

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