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Re: Tor Defense Fund...an idea.

--- glymr <glymr_darkmoon@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Fast internet is starting to spread fast anyway, 
> with all this ADSL2 popping up.

I believe speed in the Tor network is less dependend
upon high speed connections than it is upon the Tor
network itself...of course dial-up is another story...

> ...I'm sure this would bring a lot of the
> broader civil liberties people into the fold.

This is a good point and I bet they would be just as
interested in helping with individual lawsuits as they
would class-action lawsuits.  Besides, a successful
challange to a single lawsuite would create precedence
that other courts would be inclined to follow (in the
US at least).

My original point is still vaild though, a
class-action in multiple countries would be very
difficult if not impossible.  Thus it seems it may be
necessary to make a different class-action in each
country due to each countries specific class-action


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