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SV: A little more exact specification of the hash-table

>of course. The point is that the file/dir class itself should know how to
>serialize itself, thus removing the dependency of, to the file/dir class,

>external code being dependent on that file/dir class' data can simply be
>dumped to the file. Code external to the file/dir class doesn't care

This is what I wrote:

"of course. The point is that the file/dir class itself should know how to
serialize itself, thus removing the dependency of, to the file/dir class,
external code being dependent on that file/dir class' data can simply be
dumped to the file."

What I've written here IS valid english and DOES make correct grammatical
sense, aswell as "sensical" sense. I see how its a bit kryptic to
understand, though... :)

If you use about half an hour to analyse the sense, you'll get to this

What I meant was that code external tot he file class should not care wheter
or not it can simply do a fwrite(pFile, sizeof(File), file, pStream) or if
it has to do something special to get data that is pointed to persisted
correctly. If File contains a char*, then we need to store the string, not
the actual pointer, and no one but the File object itself should care about