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[pygame] Problems with moving animated images

I have small but annoying problem with my sprite code. I have made my own class for an animated sprite. It works by loading an image containing all of the animation's frames and then displays each frame in order. I'm accomplishing this by passing an area rect to blit().
Here's some code:
    def draw(self):
        if not self.bHide:
            self.screen.blit(self.surf, self.rect, self.frect)
    def step(self):
        if not self.paused:
            if self.timelaps >= self.animrate:
                if self.frame == self.numframes-1:
                    self.frame = 0
                    self.frame += 1
                self.timelaps = 0
            self.timelaps += self.hostapp.clock.getFrameDuration()
        self.frect = self.getFrameRect(self.frame)
    def getFrameRect(self, fnum):
        fcx = self.frameulcoords[fnum][0]
        fcy = self.frameulcoords[fnum][1]
        r = self.surf.get_rect(topleft=(fcx, fcy), width=self.fw, height=self.fh)
        return r
These are methods of the sprite class. In my application's update method I have this to move the sprite with the arrow keys:
        if self.goup and not self.godown:
        elif self.godown and not self.goup:
The problem I'm experiencing is that when I move the sprite around I get parts of the other frames showing nastily, like the frame above the sprite's current frame or the one to the left of it. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong. I'm not totally sure I should be using blit's area rect for changing the animation's frames.
Juha Salo