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Re: [pygame] "Nutshell" Simple Game Framework

Greg Ewing wrote:
Kris Schnee wrote:
I'm trying to build a game framework that's simple and easy to use, and that incorporates the ideas of a huge game space and basic physics that I've been working on.

> I'm willing to open-source this if anyone's interested

I'm certain there will be interest -- you can't have too
many open-source easy-to-use game libraries!-)

does it seem reasonable to build a goodly chunk of the game character code into the simulation, ie. having RPG stats mixed in with the class that handles the physics of living creatures?

It would be better to separate the RPG stuff into a separate class or classes that can be used as mixins or by aggregation ("has-a" rather than "is-a") by the game author. Also put those classes in a separate module, so if the RPG stats aren't being used, that whole module can be left out of the game distribution.

> import Nutshell
> w = Nutshell.BasicWorldsim()
> w.MakeEntity(nature="Object",name="Pretzel",velocity=[1.0,0.0,0.0])
> w.SimulationStep()

A minor point -- if you're intending to release this,
you ought to consider following the PEP 8 guidelines
for naming.


This sounds like a really good idea. I know I'd certainly use it!