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Re: [pygame] Tiling a Rotated Bitmap

when you say the resulting picture is not tileable - what exactly do
you mean? (screenshot?)

do you mean that you see seams (dark or partially transparent lines
through the joints between tiles) when you try to draw the tiles next
to each other? If you do, it's probably an alpha problem (using
rotozoom?) where the tile edges draw to partial pixels.

if the not tileable problem is something else - then screenshots will
probably help a lot in understanding the problem.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 7:57 PM, Kamilche <kamilche@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all. I'm trying to create a rotated tilable bitmap out of a tilable
>  bitmap, but it's not working. My first attempt was to tile the bitmap
>  across a larger picture, rotate the larger picture, and then cut a tile
>  out of the middle, but that didn't work - the resulting picture wasn't
>  tilable.
>  I see that the problem is a lot more complex than I thought, and I don't
>  have a handle on how to do it.
>  Does anyone know how to perform such a task?
>  --Kamilche