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Re: [pygame] pygame participation in Google Summer of Code

On, Wed Apr 02, 2008, Nisarg Kothari wrote:

> I am considering applying to the Python Software Foundation to create
> a generic AI module for pygame. I would create a framework for
> fundamental AI algorithms like A* (for pathfinding), behavior trees,
> and Finite State Machines (for behavior). However, on the PSF mentors
> page (http://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/Mentors), I don't see
> any mentors listed who are associated with pygame. I am concerned that
> my application may get rejected because the PSF is unable to find a
> mentor for me. Are the pygame developers interested in mentoring
> students, and if so, have they gotten in touch with the Python
> Software Foundation?

Yes and yes to answer your questions. We just forgot to add ourselves to
the list. So go on and add your application.


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