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Re: [pygame] Another blitting surface to itself crash

On 8/2/08, Brian Fisher <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There's another instance of blitting a surface to itself crashing on Windows for a user, it's believed to be a 1.8.1 thing by the poster

last time it came up marcus was thinking about making pygame throw an exception on blitting a surface to itself, which still seems like a decent solution to me. Anybody know any more background?

time ago I reported this, see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.pygame/12087
At the time it was a pygame 1.7.1 bug, looking windows specific ( developers on Linux got no problem with blit over itself ), and the SDL version was wathever linked - recomended at pygame site ( the binaries readme tells it is 1.2.7 )