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Re: [pygame] OpenGL

Hi !
Try Google codesearch !


2009/8/5 Ian Mallett <geometrian@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi
> PyOpenGL is basically OpenGL--it's what I use, and hence I can recommend
> it.  I also know of tutorials (the infamous NeHe has Python ports of lessons
> 1-10).  There's plenty of resources here.
> PyGlet is also basically OpenGL, although you'll get a higher level
> interface.  I found the major structure to be inflexible and clunky--but the
> special features/functions to be easily accessible--but I never really got
> into it.
> Rabbyt looks like a fast 2D sprite library that uses PyOpenGL/PyGame or
> PyGlet as a backend.  I could be wrong.  Also, it looks like using Rabbyt
> with PyGame is straightforward, although I can't speak from experience
> there.  Googling "rabbyt pygame" returned examples--although not
> tutorials--such as http://www.pygame.org/project/328/?release_id=768. ; A
> quick look at Rabbyt looks like integration with PyGame is straightforward.
> E.g.:
> pygame.init()
> pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.OPENGL | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
> rabbyt.set_viewport(size)
> rabbyt.set_default_attribs()
> Ian

Alexandre Quessy