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Re: [pygame] Numeric wireless keyboard

Jake b wrote:
> Hi
>     I'm compiling the code (my first prg with gcc), and doesn't find SDL.h.
>      I have done a find on SDL (find -name "SDL.h"), without success. Where
>     and how can I find this file ?  Do I have to install SDL ? (I'm assuming
>     Python is using it and its there...)
> To search you can try: [ search starting on root, using insensitive case ]
>     $ find / -iname "SDL.h"
> Did you try lsusb?
>     $ lsusb
> To install sdl dev, run synaptic, and do a search for "sdl", it might be
> named "libsdl1.2-dev"
> Ubuntu 9.04 is out.
> To include SDL.h the best way is to: follow this link:
> http://www.libsdl.org/faq.php?action=listentries&category=3#21
> <http://www.libsdl.org/faq.php?action=listentries&category=3#21>
> example:
>     $ gcc -o hiworld hiworld.c `sdl-config --cflags --libs`
> -- 
> Jake

Thanks Jake

I want to install sdl-dev, but since I use Ubuntu 7.10, Synaptic (and
apt-get install) generate error 404.  Repository for 7.10 have been
removed (no more support)

I want to upgrade, but the icon update-manager disapear, and I don't
know yet how to restore this icon or start update-manager manually yet...

So I'll fix update-manager, then upgrade Ubuntu, then install sdl-dev,
then write SDL program to debug my keyboard with Pygame... amen, LOL
