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Re: [pygame] Picking monitor...

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 08:13:56PM -0700, Gene Buckle wrote:
> Is it possible to choose which display pygame uses for "full screen" mode? 
> If so, how is it done?
> thanks!
> g.

pygame is built on SDL version 1.2, and SDL version 1.2 does not have 
the ability to control which screen is sused for fullscreen. it will 
take whichever screen is identified as being primary.

SDL version 1.3 adds commands like SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays() and 

SDL 1.3 is actually a testing version, and when it matures to a public 
release, it will be renamed SDL 2.0. After that point, maybe pygame will 
migrate to it (and correct me if I am wrong, but I think somebody is 
already working on this, right?)

James Paige