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Re: [pygame] pygame.sndarray.array = ValueError: string size must be a multiple of element size

I don't know. Try the sndarray example:

python -m pygame.examples.sound_array_demos

Otherwise there is something different about your sound files. Without an example that causes the problem there is nothing I can do.


On 05/08/10 03:45 PM, B W wrote:
Thanks for responding, Lenard, though it doesn't seem this applies to my problem. The sound file is loaded successfully. I can play() the loaded sound just fine. It is the conversion of the mixer.Sound object to a sndarray.array object that's blowing up.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <len-l@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:len-l@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Okay, this is technically not a bug. If the string is not a valid
    file path then it is assumed to be sound data. This has to be
    fixed somehow.


    On 05/08/10 11:36 AM, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

         Hi Gumm,

        You have found a bug. pygame.mixer.Sound does handle
        ogg/vorbis files. But it doesn't raise an exception when it
        can't find the file. Also, on Windows you may find that
        calling pygame.init() before pygame.mixer.init() will prevent
        playback, no sound. Either remove pygame.init, place it after
        pygame.mixer.init or set the SDL_AUDIODRIVER environment
        variable to 'waveout'.

        Lenard Lindstrom

        On 03/08/10 11:03 AM, B W wrote:

            Howdy, folks.

            Seeking enlightenment. Anyone seen this before, and how do
            I rassle it into submission? Docs and web have been
            unhelpful so far. I'm using pre-built software packages;
            been using these for months without any issues.

            This problem occurs with all ogg and wav files. I see that
            Numpy is raising the exception, but I can't tell if it's a
            problem internal to Numpy or a result of how
            numpysnd.array is using Numpy.

            1. load OGG-Vorbis sound file with pygame.mixer.Sound
            2. convert sound using pygame.sndarray.array
            3. scratch head

            import os, sys, numpy, pygame
            from pygame.locals import *
            pygame.mixer.init(44100, 16, 2, 1)
            sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('../sounds/laser_26667.ogg')
            for n,v in [('OS',os.name <http://os.name>

               print '%s: %s' % (n,v)
            sound_data = pygame.sndarray.array(sound)

            C:/Python26/pythonw.exe -u
            OS: nt
            Python: 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Mar 20 2010, 14:22:52) [MSC
            v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
            Pygame: (1, 9, 1)
            Numpy: 1.4.1
            Array type: numpy
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            line 9, in <module>
               sound_data = pygame.sndarray.array(sound)
             File "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pygame\sndarray.py",
            line 95, in array
               return numpysnd.array (sound)
            line 77, in array
               return _array_samples(sound, True)
            line 64, in _array_samples
               array = numpy.fromstring (data, typecode)
            ValueError: string size must be a multiple of element size

            Any assistance appreciated.
