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[pygame] UI Blues

In revisiting my interface code, in light of what I've learned from the tactics-game project, I've hit a snag.

Earlier, I'd set up my interface so that hitting a button or something would cause the button to call a "Notify" function of the main game object, sending it a dictionary describing what happened. {"headline":"click","sender":self} That meant having a special event queue in the game object, to be added to by Notify and read by a game loop. That is:

-In Screen X, there's an interface. The user hits a button.
-The button calls Notify.
-The loop for Screen X sees that an "Button B was clicked" message has appeared, and reacts to that.

That's the "poorly-formatted random data" situation I was trying to avoid, but I don't see how it _can_ be avoided. With the tactics game I was getting around it by having ad-hoc variables attached to the game-world object, rather than a generic message queue.

Another approach to UI handling I've had suggested is to have a double event-handling system. The first part handles raw Pygame events and adds to a queue of _gameplay_ events, to which the UI can also add. The second part handles the gameplay events, like so:

for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == KEYS_JUMP:

for event in self.game_events:
    if event == "jump":
    elif event == "pause_button_clicked":

Does this setup make any sense?