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Re: [pygame] PY2EXE and Modules


    I will look at it. The one I got from Luke did run except it did not
import my data. So the format for that is needed but I will experiment.
    I wrote a batch file below to make the executable with the original file
that Luke gave me split in 2 files with just the file name and quotes
deleted. For that example had game.py inside the script command.
    So I took that out and made 2 files and created a batch file to allow me
to just enter the name fully or just the name and then run the setup.


    Except my audio files stored in the data folder were not imported, so I
copied that folder over to the dist folder and it ran!

    So the the next thing is to see which commands does that since the
examples I have seen have used so many different formats...thus making it so

    I will check this url out and see what it has to offer. My batch file is

check out skellington...

It has a skeleton of a game set up.  Including a setup file to make

I think the latest version is here:

@echo off
Echo Is File To Make Here?
if exist %1 goto making
if exist %1.py goto py2add
echo Error! No File!
if "%1"=="" goto end
echo %1 Invalid File Name!
goto end
copy setup1py.txt exe2make.py
echo "%1.py" >> exe2make.py
goto fil2
copy setup1py.txt exe2make.py
echo "%1" >> exe2make.py
echo File 2
type setup2py.txt >> exe2make.py
echo Making Executable For %1
python25 exe2make.py py2exe