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Re: [pygame] PY2EXE and Modules

sorry, I didn't refresh my browser page before I sent that last e-mail.  Glad to see it worked!
Yeah, the data isn't automatically copied, that's why I specified that I had to copy my data over.
You can easily write a script that will copy your data over, using os functions, or shutil, or something.  That would be a question for the tutor@xxxxxxxxxx mailing list.
Hi Luke,
    That is OK, I also downloaded that one skeleton form from that other game and that is below. It was something someone else mentioned to me to do. I also had modified that other batch file as well.
    The only modification I had made to it was to delete or comment out I mean, the references to the Windows command. I am using only the console for now because I am totally blind and the screen for Pygame is not screen reader friendly at the moment.
    So I just added the console command instead and all works fine. Transports over my data file and all the sound files. The interesting error I was getting in the Windows command was from the raw_input command and where ever I had placed it. So I figured out quickly what was going on and got rid of the windows reference...
    So now I can compile my game and have it all inside the dist folder. Now to have it all zipped up immediately as well.
    Also, in this file below there needs to be added the statement to not load all files that are not needed. I get a lot of stuff in this file that I did not get in the other one. In other words I get everything and probably do not need most of it. The dist folder ends up being 29 megs...
    Any suggestions would be helpful!
    Luke, if you want to have this skeleton form here is that setup.py file I am using and the commented out windows and reference to the icon.ico...
Using: python25 setup.py py2exe
Setup.py File:
APP_NAME = 'Trek_Game'

cfg = {
#    'py2exe.icon':'icon.ico', #64x64
    'py2exe.binary':APP_NAME, #leave off the .exe, it will be added
    'py2app.icon':'icon.icns', #128x128
# usage: python setup.py command
# sdist - build a source dist
# py2exe - build an exe
# py2app - build an app
# cx_freeze - build a linux binary (not implemented)
# the goods are placed in the dist dir for you to .zip up or whatever...
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
    import py2exe
import sys
import glob
import os
import shutil
    cmd = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
    print 'Usage: setup.py py2exe|py2app|cx_freeze'
    raise SystemExit
# utility for adding subdirectories
def add_files( dest, generator):
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in generator:
        for name in 'CVS', '.svn':
            if name in dirnames:
        for name in filenames:
            if '~' in name: continue
            suffix = os.path.splitext(name)[1]
            if suffix in ('.pyc', '.pyo'): continue
            if name[0] == '.': continue
            filename = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
# define what is our data
data = "">add_files( data, os.walk('data'))
data.extend( glob.glob('*.txt'))
# define what is our source
src = "">add_files( src, os.walk('lib'))
src.extend( glob.glob('*.py'))
# build the sdist target
if cmd == 'sdist':
    f = open( "MANIFEST.in", "w")
    for l in data: f.write("include "+l+"\n")
    for l in src: f.write("include "+l+"\n")
        url="">        )
# build the py2exe target
if cmd in ('py2exe',):
    dist_dir = os.path.join('dist',cfg['py2exe.target'])
    data_dir = dist_dir
    src = ''
    dest = cfg['py2exe.binary']+'.py'
#        windows=[{
#            'icon_resources':[(1,cfg['py2exe.icon'])],
# build the py2app target
if cmd == 'py2app':
    dist_dir = os.path.join('dist',cfg['py2app.target']+'.app')
    data_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir,'Contents','Resources')
    from setuptools import setup
    src = ''
    dest = cfg['py2app.target']+'.py'
    APP = [dest]
    DATA_FILES = []
    OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True, 'iconfile':cfg['py2app.icon']}
        options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
# make the cx_freeze target
if cmd == 'cx_freeze':
    dist_dir = os.path.join('dist',cfg['cx_freeze.target'])
    data_dir = dist_dir
    os.system('%s --install-dir %s --target-name %s trek10.py'%(cfg['cx_freeze.cmd'],cfg['cx_freeze.binary'],dist_dir))
# recursively make a bunch of folders
def make_dirs(dname_):
    parts = list(os.path.split(dname_))
    dname = None
    while len(parts):
        if dname == None:
            dname = parts.pop(0)
            dname = os.path.join(dname,parts.pop(0))
        if not os.path.isdir(dname):
# copy data into the binaries
if cmd in ('py2exe','cx_freeze','py2app'):
    dest = data_dir
    for fname in data:
        dname = os.path.join(dest,os.path.dirname(fname))
        if not os.path.isdir(fname):