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Re: [pygame] vidmod hang in pygame.init()

mazer@socrates.berkeley.edu wrote:

> I just noticed that pygame.display.init() seems to hangs when called
> opening a display on a remote server under X11.  Has anyone else
> noticed this problem?  Platform is intel redhat 6.1/7.1/7.2 using a
> recent CVS snapshot of SDL and a moderately recent cvs snapshot of
> pygame 1.2.  It's easy to reproduce; the following works fine when
> $DISPLAY is local (:0.0), but fails when it's a remote machine. That
> is, you've rlogin/xon'd to another machine are are running python
> remotely and asking SDL to connect back to your display, so
> so DISPLAY is NOT :0.0

hmm, i don't suspect this is directly a pygame problem, but more SDL 
related. have you tried running regular SDL apps remotely? i would 
suspect you get the same problem?

if not there must be something 'funny' in the way pygame is 
communicating with SDL. if we need to, i'll translate your quick liner 
into a small C program making the exact SDL calls that pygame makes.

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