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[pygame] Pygame 1.4 Released

Hello pygame users. I'm proud to bring your version 1.4 of pygame.
Released today, this version adds a lot of nice new features for you.
Of course, the biggest news is the new OSX support, but you probably
already knew that was coming. Other things that may make you smile...

Fixed problems with sprite module (mainly some typos)
set_alpha, set_colorkey, and set_clip accept None
also event.set_allowed and event.set_blocked accept None
easier importing (just "import pygame")
default 'yellow snake' icon for pygame windows
more control over CD.play(), play a section of a track
transform.rotate() cleaned up
plus added 90degree special cases for rotate
rotozoom code updated to SDL_rotozoom 2.0.3
added sprite.spritecollideany() collision check
rectangle boundary fixes for Rects and display.update()

phew, there's even a little more in the line of small bugfixes and changes.

also worth noting, there's some updated documentation. new install 
documentation should really help people get from pygame.org to a running 
pygame installation. i've also updated the small "ImportInit" tutorial.
and good news, there's an update "pygame2exe" script that should work 
even better than before for you.

that's all you get for this release. find it all on the download page.

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