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Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
Saw that, but I didn't feel like getting ideas from other people's code
until I understood it myself. Oh yeah, and I couldn't make sense of
anything I read in that the first time I looked it over (I'd probably
get most of it now, but when I looked last time I didn't even know how
to get the typing portion, and I couldn't distinguish it from the rest
of the code :P ).
Thanks for the replies, guys. I was afraid of using mailing lists
because I thought I would get loads of "gtfo" and "noob" replies and,
well, I never tried to figure out how they worked. Thanks for not
outcasting me. You guys totally remind me of the Gentoo Linux forums
(which is a very good thing) so thanks again!
If you find you have any non-pygame-specific Python questions, the
Python Tutor mailing list is very friendly also,
and there are some really knowledgeable people on that list.
You can subscribe to it from the python.org website.
Hope to see you there! :)