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Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
It doesn't work... I can't quite figure it out. Am I missing a part? It says my syntax is correct...
At the very top of the file right after the import statements, I added a line that reads:
moving = 0
After that, I changed this:
def keyin(self, key):
if key == self.text[self.current_string][self.pos] and moving == 0:
And I changed the bottom part to:
for event in pygame.event.get
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == K_TAB:
moving = 0
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
elif event.key == K_TAB:
moving = 1
It didn't work. I tried using the words "True" and "False" without the quotes. It didn't work. I tried using moving is True instead of moving == 1 and it still didn't work. I tried moving the statement moving = 0 into my main(), and it didn't work. Argh. I think I'm missing something really simple, but I can't place my finger on it...
On 1/22/07, Charles Christie <sonicbhoc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Genius! Why didn't I think of that? I'll make a variable that will
react to the state of the TAB key called "moving". Pressing TAB makes
moving = 1 and releasing it changes it back to 0. Now, when moving =
1, keypresses won't register to the typing thinggy, and when moving =
0, the next part of the code I'm going to write (the basic shoot-em-up
part) the character doesn't move.
You guys are so helpful! Thanks!
On 1/22/07, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Charles Christie wrote:
> > Sorry for spamming your email inboxes so much guys... I'm bad at this
> > whole email list thing... I'm better with forums, because I can edit
> > messages I post and stuff. Eh... Sorry.
> >
> > Anyway, now I want the Textsprite class to not accept input while the
> > K_TAB button is pressed.
> >
> > What would I have to code in this situation? I know that the program,
> > upon pressing TAB, should not negatively effect score (I've already
> > coded that part) but I don't know how to get it to actually stop
> > advancing the pointer as long as the TAB button is held down. I think
> > its because the advice I got was for an older version of pygame and
> > its not working.
> Not sure what you mean about the old version...
> I am using a dvorak keyboard, therefore my typing speed is quite
> hampered while my mind learns the new layout.
> So my reply will be short. Didn't want you to think I was being
> disrespectful.
> Okay, basically the problem you have is that you want to do something
> when the tab key's state is raised, and something else when its state is
> depressed.
> This suggests an if/else structure, because the key can only be in two
> states: depressed or not.
> now how do we determine the state of the key? like this:
> tab_pressed = False#set this once, outside your game loop, not on each
> iteration
> for event in
> if event.type == KEYDOWN:
> if event.key == K_TAB:
> tab_pressed = True
> else:
> #call your function here
> elif event.type == K_UP:
> if
event.key == K_TAB:
> tab_pressed = False
> you'd probably want to add tab_pressed to your argument list for your
> keyin function.
> -Luke
- References:
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?
- Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?