On, Tue Jan 20, 2009, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
Hi René,
The blit bug is with _numericsurfarray.c, the old surfarray module, so
has been around for awhile. It somehow found its way into
_numpysurfarray.py as well. I have only tried it with 3d arrays so far.
It doesn't just ignore the destination surface's alpha, it resets it.
I found the bug while fixing a NumPy specific bug. After looking at
blit_array in _numpysurfarray.py I figured it was easier to just reuse
the C version for Numeric. I wrote a new extension module where
blit_array is a generic array function that uses the array interface.
Other than setting alpha to zero it appears to work. I will give it a
good workout with the unit tests before committing it, of course. It's
not too difficult to adapt Numeric code for the array interface, so
maybe array_colorkey can go their as well.
Does that mean you implemented the Numpy code in C?