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Re: [pygame] newbie question--> rendeing order

hi sb

the problem is that i would like to keep a hierarchy. the one clicked 
goes aboveand the rest one step down.
if this would be a list i would pop the clicked sprite and the append 
it to the rendering queue so that its rendered the last one.

but this is not a list. its a group, and i am not sure that the order of 
the group affects the rendering order.

i am using the chimp example as a testing ground.

voids = pygame.sprite.Group()

allsprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((voids))

If i am right i need to reshuffle the allsprite group. What i am doing 
is to remove all sprites from allsprites and then i work with 
voids.sprites() list to pop and append the selected one. later i add 
all items in voids back to allsprites.

it seems to work in the chimp example but it doesn't on a more 
complex one i am building.

i hope all this questions don't sound too stupid. i just started 
working few days ago and there are many things i don't fully 

thanks again

On 8 Jul 2003 at 10:20, SB wrote:

> Hi Enrike.
> A lot of people who are new to Pygame seem to be trepedatious to use
> multiple groups.  This would be a solution to your problem.  You could
> have two groups that get rendered, a "main" group and a "selected"
> group.  Just draw the sprites in the "selected" group at the end, and
> they will appear on top.
> On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 08:19, enrike@ixi-software.net wrote:
> > hi all,
> > 
> > i am new to pygame and phyton. i have a question that could be 
> > stupid for somebody with more experience. i have tried to read 
> > documentation and search for solutions on the net ut no luck. So 
> > there is goes:
> > I was wondering if there is some way to change the rendering order 
> > of a group of sprites "on the fly". I want to bring the clicked sprite 
> > above the others.
> > So far i have manage to do it by storing a reference of the sporites 
> > in a list, change the order of that list, remove all objects from the 
> > rendering group and adding the whole list back again to the group.
> > 
> > I was looking for some way to access the sprites in the group and 
> > change the order directly. Pop the sprite that goes to the top and 
> > append it to the group again or sthg similar
> > 
> > btw. my goal is to create in pygame interfaces that communicate to 
> > Pure Data (visual sound programming environment). and i was 
> > wondering which methods i could use to achive bidirectional 
> > comumnication from Phyton to PD. Any suggestions are welcome.
> > 
> > many thanks in advance
> -- 
> +-------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Shandy Brown                               Digital Thinkery |
> | shandy@geeky.net             http://www.digitalthinkery.com |
> +-------------------------------------------------------------+