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[pygame] New pygame tutorial: feedback wanted

[This message may appear more than; a first copy was sent to the
gmane server yesterday and a second directly to this list (prior to
subscribing), seemingly to no avail.]

Hi everyone,

As part of a project I have been working on
I have started writing a tutorial on using pygame.

The first three lessons can be found starting at:

Note that I have NO prior experience using pygame, and
that I am not a professional programmer; so any feedback
from more experienced users
(probably everyone reading this message!) would be very appreciated.

In addition, any suggestions/pointers for simple games,
code/images/sound samples, etc. would be welcome.



rur-ple is a Python Learning Environment. It is intended to teach
computer programming (and Python!)
to absolute beginners.  The pygame tutorial I am writing is
aimed at that audience.  Some "bridging" lessons between the
ones currently included in rur-ple and the pygame tutorial
will have to be written before the pygame tutorial can be
incorporated within rur-ple.