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Re: [pygame] Perlin Noise Function

Bullet patterns for shooters and terrain generation is what i could see using it for in 2d...


--- On Wed, 7/30/08, Knapp <magick.crow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Knapp <magick.crow@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [pygame] Perlin Noise Function
> To: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
> Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 4:29 PM
> >
> > exactly. I think this is one of the main uses for
> pygame. And how many
> > fun little 2 week 2d games really need/use a perlin
> noise function?
> > We'll probably have to agree to disagree on the
> answer to that question.
> >
> Don't think I can a agree to something that I have no
> idea of the answer to.
> :-)
> As far as graphics are concerned, that is covered very well
> all over the net
> and you can do all sorts of cool things with it. . I think
> a great research
> project would be to see how it can be used for movement in
> 2d and why it
> might be better than just plane random functions.
> A bunch of links to perlin noise used to make graphics.
> http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm
> http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/facedemo/
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mzucker/code/perlin-noise-math-faq.html
> This is more what I was thinking about. It uses Perlin to
> make 2d look life
> like and not so compter like. This is what Perlin does,
> simulate life like
> graphics and movement.
> http://www.kelvinluck.com/assets/perlin_noise_experiments/#section19
> Relating back to grid based proximity and sort of cool too.
> http://www.gskinner.com/blog/archives/2005/02/source_code_gri.html
> -- 
> Douglas E Knapp
> http://sf-journey-creations.wikispot.org/Front_Page