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Re: [pygame] Hardware Surface with Font.Blit

>> you need to render to a texture, and then display that.
>> The blit, and draw functions do not work in opengl mode.

How does one create a texture for use with pygame's font render? Or is there a
way to convert a surface to a texture? My understanding of SDL/pygame is still
rather limited.

>To make the above process easier you can use some extra modules which
>provide OpenGL surface blitting.
>On #pygame at irc.freenode.net, speak to __doc__ who can show you his
>work to integrate seamless OpenGL acceleration into pygame.

I'll do just that tomorrow when I'm free. Thanks for the tip!

>For a different take on the subject, try out the SiGL module at

That is a very interesting. However, from the examples, I'm not sure I see how to
render to the modified surface for use with OGL. I'm probably missing something
here. Thank both of you for your time and attention. Cheers!