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Re: [pygame] OK, I'm starting this whole thing over again...

Instead of a full fledged game, why not crank out some proof of concept mini-games/tests.

Your first one could be dead simple: space invaders without the aliens or the moving player ship.  All you'd have is a ship centered at the bottom of the screen that would fire a bullet whenever you hit the space bar. 

That way you can concentrate on the part that's giving you trouble.  Don't worry, at this point, about diry rects, optimizing or anything like that.

On 6/11/07, Charles Joseph Christie II <sonicbhoc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey there, long time no see huh? I want to start writing the other game I was
writing for my senior project again. You know, the one with the shoot-em-up
typing game hybrid thing that I could never get to fire bullets...

Since it didn't work, it's obvious that I did something wrong, but I don't
know what I did wrong! So, I'd like to start over.

Problem is, I don't know what to do now. I mean, I know how to write code, but
I want to do it differently this time, preferably in a way that will actually
work. What do you guys recommend I do if I knew a little programming, but
wanted to learn better programming practices and specifically a better way to
handle the drawing of objects? just adding everything to a dirty rect list
didn't work well last time.

Drawing the bullets was a large sticking point for me, and if I could just
find a way to do that better I think I'd be well off.