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Re: [pygame] Not Quiting

Ian Mallett wrote:
"In the future, if you have a question like this, try to give us
more info, such as the platform you're running, and the editor you're using."
I'll try to do that.

Yes, I am running IDLE. Isn't there a way to run the program just by pressing F5 in the program and not doing anything else?
Your terminology is confusing the issue.
What you're asking, I think, is "isn't there an easy way to execute my program when I am editing the code within IDLE?"
Yes, you just use F5.
But the _manner in which you open the code in IDLE_ is what determines if a subprocess will be opened.
Don't open your code by right-clicking the file and choosing "edit."
open IDLE by a shortcut or directly from the directory in which it's installed.
Then load your code from there.