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Re: [SPAM: 3.100] Re: [pygame] PyGUI Example and a New Game

I'll look into providing a bit more explanation about
connecting transistors in series and parallel to get
various switching effects. Maybe that will help to get
people thinking in the right direction.

What about making some of the 'tutorial' information from level 1 into actual levels?  I realize that those things may be trivial, but it could be pretty instructive to build some of those things, hook them up to an output and watch them on the test run panel.  I guess it was just that right away in level two, I'm building a four part circuit.  From a "learning about circuits" standpoint, it makes it more difficult to pay attention to the circuit details because in a sense, figuring out the layout is the more immediate challenge.  There's a fine line between making it educational and making it patronizing, but from my newbie perspective, I felt in too deep too fast.

The game brings up a save window when I fail a level, and won't let me resume the game.  It seems to be setting a timer that periodically pops up new save windows

That sounds like a bug I recently fixed in PyGUI. Try this
version and see if it helps:


This seems to have fixed it.