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[pygame] SDL library releases

Today there was a new release for all the SDL helper libraries. Most of the new features will work automatically with pygame. I'll be putting together another new win32 binary (1.5.5C i guess) that has all the newness built in. here's a brief list of what is most exciting for pygame developers.

SDL_image 1.2.3:
* Added 24-bit support to the ILBM format loader
* The JPEG loader can now load EXIF format JPEG images
* The XCF loader now ignores invisible layers and channels

SDL_mixer 1.2.5:
* Worked around MacOS X deadlock between CoreAudio and QuickTime
* Fixed crash in native midi code with files with more than 32 tracks
* Added 8SVX format support to the AIFF loader
* Fixed volume control on WAVE and MOD music chunks
* Added support for the Atari platform
* Patch from Steven Fuller to fix panning effect with 8-bit sounds
* Patch from guy on 3DRealms forums to fix native win32 midi volume
* Small, looping music samples should now be able to fade out correctly
* Added shared library support for MacOS X
* Correctly report an error when using an unknown filetype
* Added support for loading Ogg Vorbis samples as an audio chunk
* Fixed to start playing another sample immediately when one finishes
* Fixed a volume bug when calling Mix_HaltChannel() on unused channel
* Fixed volume reset bug at end of channel fade.
* Mix_LoadMUS() will now accept an MP3 by file extension, instead of
relying entirely on the magic number.

SDL_ttf 2.0.6:
* Fixed UNICODE endian issues, added TTF_ByteSwappedUNICODE()
* Fixed memory corruption problem with small point sizes
* Added initial .fon support to SDL_ttf
* Fixed wrapping bug with negative horizontal bearing
* Fixed TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid() to use the bitmap instead of pixmap
* Added the ability to load a font from an SDL_RWops stream

all three libraries also "Added shared library support for MacOS X"

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