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Re: [pygame] Pixel Editor

Hi, I also use gimp.  Here is a list of setting changes/tools to make it nicer for pixel editing:

 * Set the new image to whatever format you are working with most of the time.  I don't like working with a transparent background so much, because it's harder to erase to transparent than to just press "x" to switch to my transparent color and paint with that; but if I am working with 64x64 or higher res than I use transparency instead
 * Set the default grid in preferences to whatever sized tiles/sprites you are working with, and I like dashed lines
 * Under Image Windows, under Mouse Cursors, make sure to select "show brush outline" and DEselect "show paint cursor - this way you will have a nice little pixel box instead of a mouse cursor
 * Check "show grid" in the View menu
 * Also in the view menu, choose new view - that way you can set up a window that shows a zoomed out view while you work zoomed in
 * Use the pencil tool mostly
 * And don't forget, if you want to draw a line, you have to click the first point on the line; hold shift; and then click the second point. 

Once all of that is set up, gimp is really nice for editing pixel images, and it can scale up and do fancy things like filters and layers too, which sometimes comes in handy!