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Re: [pygame] Python - Pygame - PyOpenGL performance

If someone did this and I could drop it in to my code, that would be very nice. But for right now, PyOpenGL is serving my needs just fine. I can use about 600 independently textured and animated sprites onscreen, scaled and rotated, without stressing a low-end system more than 40%.

40% is a significant amount of overhead, but Peter is wrong of a few points. You certainly can animate a sprite in OpenGL using texture coords. Just load all your animation frames, convert to strings, stick them all together, and pass to OpenGL as one very tall texture. This works perfectly fine. That means VBOs are definitely suitable. You can also push a VBO up piecemeal, changing the active texture between parts (and achieving the expected effect).

Everything you see here is done with pygame and PyOpenGL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBFoXqKrBa8

Positioning the quads directly doesn't seem to be too much of an issue, since in my game, they move each frame anyway. The cost of adding coordinates in Python and pushing them into a numpy array is much less than an OpenGL push, translate/rotate, pop call for each and every sprite. It makes a lot of sense to me that this would be the case in other languages as well.


On Mar 16, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Forrest Voight wrote:

Would writing a replacement for PyOpenGL in C instead of in Python
with ctypes help? I think it really would ... PyOpenGL is internally
pretty complex, sometimes when I get tracebacks the error is 5 or 6
levels into PyOpenGL. Even a C library that only implemented the
common functions and relied on PyOpenGL for the constants and
functions that do complex things like handling strings would probably
help a lot.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Peter Gebauer
<peter.gebauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've done a few sprite thingies in OpenGL here are some pointers:

Afaik display lists and VBO's can't bind different textures (?)
per list/array. You can't animate lists by changing texcoords
independently per element, so no go. VBO's have texture coords,
but only one texture. Again, I'm no expert, might be wrong.

With the quad aproach you should try
to make the number of calls as few as possible. If you get
rid of the push and translate for each sprite you'll get some
extra speed. Try positioning each quads directly. The downside
with sharing matrix over all sprites is the obvious lack of
using OpenGL transformations, but some vector math aplied to
the quads has been faster for me than having one transformed
matrix per quad.

Since I haven't been able to animate a list/vbo with independent
textures and texture coords for each element/buffer object I've only
used it for backdrops. The speed increase is tremendous.
I also partition the elements so only one list/vbo is displayed per
visible section, if you're screen display is smaller than the
entire scene, this helps even more.

If you put all your sprites and their animation frames into one
big texture you could use VBO's, but I've never had the tenacity
to try that aproach.

Another way to increase speed is to write an opengl rendering engine
in C and call and make it available as a Python extension. This is
a major speed boost, in particular for a large number of iterations.
Iirc PyOpenGL bindings are generated, many times this is suboptimal
code for what you're trying to do, writing the Python extension in C
manually have been faster for me many times. This is indeed true
if you put your iterations inside a C loop instead of calling the
C function from Python many times.

In any case, still waiting for that OO 2D game engine with tons of
OpenGL features and effects, including simple things like frame animation, LERP-like features and a simple 2D scenegraph. No luck yet, all attempts
I've tried so far lack at least one "must have" feature. :)


On 2009-02-26 (Thu) 11:29, Casey Duncan wrote:
Immediate mode calls (glVertex et al) are the very slowest way to use OpenGL. In fact they are deprecated in OpenGL 3.0 and will eventually be

The display list is better as you discovered, but you still are making a few OpenGL state changes per sprite, which is likely slowing you down. Also there is some overhead for the display list call, which makes them
sub-optimal for just drawing a single quad.


You really need to batch the quads up into a few vertex arrays or vbos
to stream them to the card in one go. pyglet has a high-level python
sprite api that automates this for you fwiw.


On Feb 26, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Zack Schilling wrote:

I know the PyOpenGL mailing list might be a better place to ask this question, but I've had a lot of luck talking to the experienced people
here so I figured I'd try it first.

I'm trying to migrate a game I created from using the Pygame / SDL
software rendering to OpenGL. Before attempting the massive and
complex conversion involved with moving the whole game, I decided to
make a little test program while I learned OpenGL.

In this test, I set up OpenGL to work in 2D and began loading images into texture objects and drawing textured quads as sprites. I created a little glSprite class to handle the drawing and translation. At first
its draw routine looked like this:

       glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.texture)
       glTexCoord2f(0, 1)
       glVertex2f(0, 0)
       glTexCoord2f(1, 1)
       glVertex2f(w, 0)
       glTexCoord2f(1, 0)
       glVertex2f(w, h)
       glTexCoord2f(0, 0)
       glVertex2f(0, h)

Note: self.texture is a texture ID of a loaded OpenGL texture object. My sprite class keeps a dictionary cache and only loads the sprite's
image into a texture if it needs to.

I'd get maybe 200 identical sprites (same texture) onscreen and my CPU would hit 100% load from Python execution. I looked into what could be causing this and found out that it's probably function call overhead.
That's 14 external library function calls per sprite draw.

The next thing I tried was to create a display list at each sprite's
initialization. Then my code looked like this:

Well, that's nice, down to 4 calls per draw. I was able to push ~500 sprites per frame using this method before the CPU tapped out. I need more speed than this. My game logic uses 30-40% of the CPU alone and I'd like to push at least 1000 sprites. What can I do? I've looked into passing sprites as a matrix with vertex arrays, but forming a proper vertex array with numpy can sometimes be more trouble than it's worth.
Plus, I can't swap out textures easily mid-draw, so it makes things
much more complex than the simple way I'm doing things now.

Is there any design pattern I could follow that will get me more speed
without sending me off the deep end with complexity.

