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[pygame] Experimental, Classic Look, sphinx generated XHTML docs for Pygame 1.9.2a

Hi everyone,

I have been playing with porting the Pygame document to Sphinx. Feedback suggested the current document format was preferred. Here is a first attempt at reproducing that theme with Sphinx.


0ac88a9d8d052ce629c6625d4be52934  pygame_doc_sphinx.tar.gz

I have tried them on IE 8, Firefox 3.x, and Epiphany 2.30.6. No serious problems, but anchor titles do not show up a tooltips in IE, and Epiphany ignores the italic font style. Unfortunately, I missed a chance to try them on Safari.

Conversion to reST from Pygame .doc was automated using makerst.py. Only small changes to the original .doc files were made for consistency. The generated reST is hopefully standard Sphinx/Python markup. No new roles or directives were used, though the behavior of some Sphinx directives were altered. Page headers, local table-of-contents, and anchor titles were generated.

At the very least this shows we should use a template system like Sphinx's jinja for producing HTML. Reformatting the pages for XHTML and CSS is much easier.

TODO: Check out Sphinx automatic document generation and coverage checking tools. Generate C headers for extension module doc strings.

Lenard Lindstrom