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Re: [pygame] Infinite sprites

Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
> Am I the one that started the whole idea of bullet hell games in this mailing 
> list? heh, well he's definitely right that this little trick would make 
> rendering hundreds of bullets at a time less painful...
> ...If I could wrap my empty head around it. T_T

My original email had an explanation of the technique but I thought
that might be considered spoilers :). It might help you understand if
you went into the code. At the very top, there's a line called
FRAME_COUNT. Change it to 1 or 2 and see what happens.

It's a cute trick, but it relies on certain properties of the sprite
motion -- namely that all sprites are identical, and are all following
the same trail, but are just on different places on it. I think
generally the use of sprites in a game runs counter to these
assumptions -- you introduce a sprite class because the sprites aren't
identical, and they move differently. But like I said, maybe bullet
hell games.


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