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Re: [pygame] Lots of spam comments in the docs...

Just require validation when the comment contains a url. 99% of all spam 
comments contain urls. 99% of comments that don't contain comments are 
real. The only thing you have to worry about is the ??% of real comments 
with non-spammy urls.

So when the comment-poster clicks submit, check to see if the comment 
contains http://

* If there is no http:// just post the comment with no futher 
validation. A few "vandalism" spams might slip through, but they will be 
small in number and easy to fix. (I say this from personal experience 
from using a similar system on my own site)

* If there is an http:// then use some further form of validation. Maybe 
present a captcha, maybe a text question, maybee require a bubbman2 high 
score, whatever.

I also suggest not bothering with IP bans. All modern spammers will 
be using anonymizers, and all modern spam-robots will be using botnet 
nodes. IP bans are only (slightly) useful for vandals, not for spammers.


On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 10:54:50AM +1000, René Dudfield wrote:
>    hi,
>    validation, and login drop the amount of real comments by 10x... plus they
>    are annoying :)
>    Maybe we should require people getting a Bubbman 2 high score before
>    allowing comments?
>    Using a custom website means there's way less spam than on things like
>    wordpress/trac/dango/blogger etc.  Since there are heaps of websites for
>    all of those ones.  Also, there's a few protections already in place that
>    mean hardly anything gets in.
>    ... it's fixed for now anyway.
>    cu,
>    On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 10:45 AM, pymike <pymike93@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>      A simple addition validation system would be good, like on wiki sites,
>      then do IP recording to ban spammers if they manage to hack it. (What is
>      4 + 4? [input box])