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Re: [pygame] problems with maximizing the window

On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 10:10:39AM -0400, inhahe wrote:
> I just noticed another thing. i tried using pygame.NOFRAME on the off
> chance that that would help, figuring maybe it's miscalculating the
> size of the title bar and would be smart enough to know when there
> isn't one, but when NOFRAME is in effect, SDL_Maximize() does nothing.

that's because if you use the NOFRAME flag, the window is created
without the WS_MAXIMIZEBOX window-style and consequently can't be

You'd have to get the desktop size (or work-area) yourself and set the
window size.

If you are using a later version of Pygame you can use this:

    info = pygame.display.Info()
    self.desktop_size = (info.current_w, info.current_h)

to get the desktop size,
