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[pygame] Pygame with Sierra

Hi all,

I remember those days when I was just installing pygame for the first time - now I have a reversed issue. 

I am using Anaconda Python (2.7.xxx). As such I have the conda installer. Like a lot of people, I also have home-brew and pip - pip comes with Anaconda. 

With the onset of Sierra, I upgraded all my stuff and pip has some newer versions of packages. One of them is Pygame! So when I list my packages in conda, I get for 2 entries for Pygame (please see below) - one from a conda install and the second one from a pip install.

This is true for some other packages as well - I’m sorry that I asked pip to upgrade things for me…

Anyway, when I actually do pygame.version.ver I get 1.9.2b6 - the one from pip, and this is from the anaconda python. So apparently the newer version was linked.

Sorry for the question but is this a healthy thing? Should I remove the CogSci version 1.9.2a0 version completely? It’s weird because actually the SDL was installed using home-brew so there really is a mixture here. This might be alright but for duplicate packages like Pygame (now) should I remove one of them or is it ok just to keep both of the packages? 

It’s funny because I remember the days when I had to compile Pygame myself to have it for 64 bit OS X - and now, things have advanced to the point where I easily got 2 versions each from a different package manager. 

I am posting this because I suspect that i am not the only person in the world who is in this situation and I’d appreciate some thoughts about it - should I keep well enough alone and leave the duplicate packages or should I remove the older ones?


Here is the result of conda list pygame:

pygame                    1.9.2a0                  py27_0    CogSci
pygame                    1.9.2b6                   <pip>