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Re: [pygame] about sjbrown's tutorial

El Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 11:55:54AM -0400, S Brown dijo:
> Hi Harpo.
> Sorry for abandoning that tutorial.  Unfortunately I started a new job
> midway through it.  And I have neither kept it up to date or finished
> it.

No problem! It's a great piece of work. It helps me a lot even being a
imcomplete work.

> If you want to see a game that used that architecture, You can look at
> Savage Jar Beasts:
> http://sjbrown.ezide.com/sjbeasts/
> Which is also currently on hold.
That's great! I'll look it. Thanks a lot!

I have a question for you or anybody else in this list.

I know twisted is a great network framework but a found too complex and
too big for me. Is Twisted the best way to call remote objetc across
the network or are there any others simpler options?

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