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Re: [pygame] LGPL and the PGU Library

Phil Hassey wrote:

The LGPL is the same license that pygame uses.  Search
on google for information about the LGPL to understand
the license better.  There should be information
available on it, as it is one of the most commonly
used open source licenses.

the lgpl:

this faq seems pretty helpful at explaining it (as
applied to another piece of software, but the same
answers would apply to pygame / PGU / SDL / etc.)

The FAQ makes it sound as though you can distribute the library to "work with" your project, but not to build an EXE that includes the library. But as I understand it, to build a Python EXE involves putting material compiled from the libary into the EXE, so you then can't distribute a Pygame-using application without also releasing all of your source code. Or is it that the "libary" directory that Py2Exe creates within \dist is self-contained, so that the LPGL's cooties don't get on my code?
