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[school-discuss] Fwd: test of new streaming server
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Subject: test of new streaming server
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:28:33 -0600
From: mikee <meschman@engima.com>
To: "Alfred J. Johnson, Jr." <alfred.johnson@jppss.k12.la.us>, "Anderson,
Lon" <Lon.Anderson@netapp.com>, "Cardenas, Kristin"
<Kristin.Cardenas@netapp.com>, "Dr. James E. Mitchell"
<JimMitchell@dotd.state.la.us>, "Dr. Leigh T. Barton"
<leigh.barton@jppss.k12.la.us>, "Dr. Lonnie Luce"
<alonzo_luce@nops.k12.la.us>, "Flanagin, Maik C MVN"
<Maik.C.Flanagin@MVN02.USACE.ARMY.MIL>, "Ratcliff, Jay J MVN"
<Jay.J.Ratcliff@mvn02.usace.army.mil>, "Rewriter1@aol.com"
<Rewriter1@aol.com>, "Robert C. Schneida" <bob.schneida@acs-gsg.com>,
"schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net" <schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net>,
"seul-edu@seul.org" <seul-edu@seul.org>, Andrew Pareti <Andrew@webdsi.com>,
Andrew Schmidt <andrewds@us.ibm.com>, CARLROBIE3@aol.com, Charles Redfearn
<Charles.Redfearn@jppss.k12.la.us>, Charlie Collins
<charlie@screaming-penguin.com>, Chris McGuire <seemac35@cox.net>, Chris
Puttick <chris@centralmanclc.com>, Curtis Chong <cchong@nfb.org>, Cyn
Bertrand <cbertrand@lcet.state.la.us>, Dave Prentice <dprentice@uno.edu>, Don
Nemeth <donn@fpsnet.com>, Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>, Eric
<eguillory@lsvi.org>, Gene Katsanis <schbd@bellsouth.net>, Joe Laura
<jlaura@bellsouth.net>, John Fritz <fritzj@lcb-ruston.com>, John Norton
<lcs.contact@worldnet.att.net>, Jonathan Grimm <johng@engima.com>, Jonathan
Ragel <jrragel@yahoo.com>, Joshua Boudreaux <boudreauxj@lcb-ruston.com>, Ken
Martin <ken.martin@kitware.com>, Marion McCurdy <mmccurdy@us.ibm.com>, Mark
Ragel <mragel@algosaibi.com.sa>, Marty Beasley <MBeasle@doa.state.la.us>,
Mike Foley <mike@webdsi.com>, Phil Marshall <pm@beechwoodschool.com>, Quan Vu
<quanhoangvu@hotmail.com>, Richard Holbert <holbert.13@osu.edu>, Rick Holbert
<holbertr@dma.org>, Ron White <rwhiteitm@earthlink.net>, Sam Papas
<sam@truelife.com.au>, Sharon Southall <ssouthall@lcet.state.la.us>, Sheila
Tamalo <stalamo@lcet.state.la.us>, Stephen Smolen <ssmolen@webdsi.com>,
Suzanne MITCHELL <SMITCHEL@dss.state.la.us>, Suzanne Mitchell
<smitchel@dss.state.la.us>, Tom Scates <scates@attglobal.net>,
admin@lindenhall.org, colleen rudd <colleensgreat@yahoo.com>,
cslagle@caddo.k12.la.us, jayval@audioresource.com, jmme@mindspring.com,
lesli@us.ibm.com, mark ragel <meragel@yahoo.com>, matt@bluelinux.org,
nick.zimmerman@mvn02.usace.army.mil, paula@engima.com
i am writing to ask for a favor. we are burning in a new broadcast receiver.
would you give it a listen ?
just point xmms, winamp or realplayer8 at : (location http://...) :
there is a bunch of music by beethoven, percy grainger, bach, stan kenton,
theo. monk, schumann, john zorn, holst,stravinsky, prokofiev and others, and
a reading of book 1 of wells' war of the worlds.
let me know if you hear it and if it is clear.
the stream is 32k sampled 22050hz-mono.
mike eschman, etc...
"Not just an aftertthought...