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From: Michael Hall <olc@ninti.com>
X-Sender: olc@localhost.localdomain
To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net
Cc: a-m.mahfouf@lineone.net
Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Feedback needed from teachers for the
OK, I'm starting again ...
Will the KDE-Edu package work on older versions of KDE? I have a
RedHat 6.2 machine and a RedHat 7.2 machine.
I can contribute wordlists in the following languages to
KLearn Spelling. I am a qualified and experienced teacher of ESL
and LOTE (Languages Other Than English) and have an MA in Applied
Linguistics, if any of that makes any difference.
I'm guessing that your Arabic may be much better than mine. Does
KDE support Arabic? Hal inti lubnaaniya aw filasteeniya mumkin?
The three romance languages are probably straightforward enough,
and you may find native speaking teachers fairly easily.
The last two are Australian languages, spoken by about 5000 or
6000 people (including very young kids). KDE support for these
languages is probably not possible, as it is very difficult to
translate technical terms into these languages. Could we use an
English interface perhaps? I'm interested in pursuing these
particular languages despite whatever difficulties may present
By the way, what programming language is KLearnSpelling written in?
Michael Hall
On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Anne-Marie MAHFOUF wrote:
> Hi,
> > Anyway, at the end of the day Anne-Marie and I might have
> > more things in common than not. We probably agree that
> > Linux the technology is embedded in a very complex
> > and economic global context characterised by inequality, and
> > perhaps Linux may help address some of this inequality. I'd like
> > to do just what Doug suggested and 'start again', if possible.
> Of course, there are no hard feelings.
> I think I will try to see which schools in Europe use Linux
and what
> they do. The Free Software Foundation will held a meeting in
> (UK) next week and education is a topic. I'll be able to go there.
> I'll let you know what we talk about.
> Anne-Marie
-- ----------------------------- n i n t i . c o m data driven
development ----------------------------- Michael Hall mick@ninti.com