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[school-discuss] Software selection for ISO--volunteers needed!
Jason Neiffer, Daniel Carter, Mark Schmitt, and Jeff (no last name
given :-) ) have agreed to evaluate software in the SEUL/edu
Educational Applications Index to find candidates for inclusion in
the ISO we're planning to develop. That's a start, but we need
others to help! Let's hear from you!
Jason, since you teach Social Studies and Speech, could you check
out the Social Studies (4 entries) category? You might also look at
the Geography (6 entries) category, although that looks like it has
programs that would mostly be useful at an upper grade level. I see
you also teach Speech. The Language category has 62 entries and is
ripe for dividing into multiple categories, as it includes
dictionaries, foreign language tutors, spelling programs, etc. The
Reading category (13 entries) is perhaps a category you could
evaluate (do you teach at the elementary level, or higher?). If you
want to look at Language, try to divide the category into smaller
subcategories and let us know what they are and which entries are in
each, then pick one to evaluate. We'll try to get others to look at
the other subcategories.
Mark, since you're a high school math teacher, could you look at the
Math (43 entries) category? If you could suggest appropriate
subcategories as mentioned above, that would be useful too.
Jeff, you don't say what you teach. What category or categories
would meet you areas of expertise?
Daniel, you say you're not a teacher. Do you have any teacher
friends you could enlist to help select potential candidates for
inclusion in the ISO?
Folks, we need people to go through all the categories. Some of
them are pretty large and should probably be divided into multiple
smaller, more precise categories. You can help us by suggesting
appropriate subdivisions, too. I'll list the categories and the
number of entries in each here, and I hope more of us will come
forward to say, "I'll go through that category for you." Also,
there's no reason why more than one person couldn't look through the
same category. Let's hear from you!
* Administrative(54)
* Astronomy(20)
* Courseware(19)
* Edugames(23)
* Geography(6)
* Graphics(4)
* Intranet(28)
* Language(62)
* Library(11)
* Math(43)
* Multimedia(3)
* Music(7)
* Other(1)
* Presentation(8)
* Programming(19)
* Quiz(15)
* Reading(13)
* Religious(6)
* Research(11)
* Science(31)
* SocialStudies(4)
* Typing(12)
* Utility(14)
Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant