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Re: [school-discuss] Thinking through games (thanks to Dr Anil Seth for this link) (fwd)

most things are not 'proper academic disciplines' anymore, esp. at the university level, bt that is a whole other argument.

computer game/video game theory is big /academic/ business right now, because computer games are a huge growth industry. check http://www.digra.org http://www.igda.org

as for learning being fun, I'm not sure that the current educational fad of teaching the students to sit in little square rooms, preparing for some major state or federal exam, can be a fun producing mechanism systemically. this is not to say individual teachers and learners can't produce fun micro-environments.

but overall kids have been learning lessons from tv and videogames for quite a while now, and they have effects, specific effects are unclear, but books like bob putnam's bowling alone sufficiently describe systemic effects.

On Sunday, April 13, 2003, at 05:00 PM, justin-r-swain@att.net wrote:

Game theory is a sub-set of the field of mathematics - a "proper academic
:-) [If its fun it must be bad? . . . I don't agree!]

Design theory may be a topic for another day.

Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture