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Re: [school-discuss] Presentation for local SD
You might be interested in http://openeducation.org.au - there's some work done
there on how FOSS applications can fill curriculum needs (Victoria, Australia).
I've been keeping notes on presenting in schools here:
To summarise (so discussions can occur on list)
Suggested guideline for spoken and written communications
* Don't dwell on zero cost, it makes FOSS look flimsy
* Focus on the applications and show what they can do
* Use the term Open Source in preference to FOSS or Free Software
o FOSS is more correct but only use it with other geeks
o Free Software has the word free, see zero-cost above
* Present applications by name and short description
o FOSS project names tend to be quirky or in-jokes, not appreciated
o Providing a three word descriptive title will drive home the
purpose of the package
* Open Source software is reliable
* It's built by communities as a labour of love
o The developers take pride in what they have created and will show
you how to get the most out of it
o The developers use the software themselves so the software will
work well
* Open Source communities are powerful
o Open Source people are about helping one another
o Open Source schools are forming their own communities to help one
o Schools can share Open Source programs with each other any time
* Open Source is about sharing knowledge and educating the user
o Teach programming by taking an already working program and
modifying it
+ More immediate gratification to students
+ Not as hard to get into programming
+ Open Source programs are written so they are easy to modify
by anyone who wants to
* Open Source Software has no licensing headaches
o You can legally copy it as many times as you want (you are
encouraged to do so)
o If you find a good program give it to your colleagues
o You will never be committing piracy
--- Richard Houston <rhouston@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had any advice, ideas, suggestions or anything
> that would help make this presentation as effective as possible. If you
> have testimonials that I could quote that would be great. I will also
> promote the schoolforge.net site as a great resource for the Trustees to
> get more info.
> Also I was thinking that it might be a good idea to put together a info
> package skeleton that others doing this kind of thing could use to kick
> start there presentation. What do ya think? Good Idea or not?
Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.