Quick overview:
What: Introduction to the FLOSS Desktops for Kids program and how to participate.
When: August 18, 10:00 am - 1:00pm EDT
Where: Jit.si video conferencing (join here: http://jit.si/flossdesktops)
Presenters (sound like you?):
K12 teachers: starting up and running the program
School IT staff: finding and implementing technologies
School administrators: district buy-in and academic value
Volunteers: starting a club on campus
...and others.
Schedule and event info: http://bit.ly/2vmqPpV
QUESTIONS, contact Lindsay Clark (le03clar@xxxxxxxxx), or Nick Carpinello (n26carp@xxxxxxxxx)
About FLOSS Desktops for Kids...
The FLOSS (Free/libre Open Source Software) Desktops for Kids program teaches students to rebuild desktop hardware and software--learning about computers and computing by doing. Once completed, students take their computers home… "for keeps."
How FLOSS Desktops for Kids works...
Fourteen-week curriculum developed by teachers
Recommendations for teachers, districts and administrators to find and access resources, (i.e. computer hardware and software, working space, etc.).
A growing community of practice which can offer advice and support.
Benefits of FLOSS Desktops for Kids
Shifts learner engagement from users or even consumers of technology, to creators of technology.
Hands-on, self-paced projects provide genuine learning experiences for students.
Offers access to computing and the Internet to underserved populations
Aligns with International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards.
Low cost…even no-cost!
Interested? Save the date (August 18th) and spread the word!