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[school-discuss] Software Freedom Day
I can't believe how few events there are for Software Freedom Day this
year as compared to previous years (
http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2017 ). If you'd like to get your
schools or students involved in a project to help promote Open Source
software, Software Freedom Day is a great opportunity. Think about
putting together a small local event for Software Freedom Day in your
area and adding it to the SFD site.
I signed up for a room at one of our local libraries. I'm just going
to have an informal event where people can drop by, see some Open
Source programs run and ask questions. I'll also be giving out a URL
where people can get more information on local users groups and useful
Open Source programs. An example of the page minus the local
resources is at: http://www.distasis.com/cpp/pbtc.htm
How are you planning to support Software Freedom Day in your local
area? Hope you'll join in and help celebrate.
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