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[school-discuss] [Fwd: More of the wireless plans are out!]
I thought this would be of interest to everyone here:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: More of the wireless plans are out!
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 12:34:43 +0100
From: "Kyle Johnston" <kyle@schoolnet.na>
To: <kyle@schoolnet.na>
Good afternoon!
>From December 1 to 4, Schoolnet Namibia and its partner
organizations played host to over 40 delegates from all over
Africa. In a workshop in wireless connectivity, Joris and I
released the plans for the entire Schoolnet wireless system.
Take a look at
http://www.schoolnet.na/pr/wireless-annc-inside.htm for the
release. The theory report will be added to there today, it is
just being converted to a pdf file, and the detailed network
plans will be added once I get them all finished.
Have a great day!
Kyle Johnston
Schoolnet Namibia
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